Senator Phil Gramm - The Myth of American Inequality

“If you read it, you will realize that many of the arguments being made against American capitalism are invalid. You will realize that this country of ours is even greater than you think.” Senator Phil Gramm joins Cole to discuss his book, The Myth of American Inequality. Gramm’s book explores the data which prove income inequality in the United States is far lower than what most Americans are led to believe. The conversation covers the statistics that support Gramm’s position and how the American Dream remains strong.

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Welcome to A Book with Legs podcast, hosted by Smead Capital Management. In each episode, the folks at Smead Capital Management explore value investing through an entirely unique lens, bringing in authors to discuss books that have directly or indirectly influenced the decisions the Smead team has made on their investments in stocks and equities. The podcast is for the curious-minded looking for worldly wisdom. Investing is the last great liberal art, and the team at Smead wants to learn as much as they can. Any level of investor, business person, or thinker, whether personally or professionally, will be intrigued and engaged by these discussions.